Agenda & Speakers

Time Topic Speaker Presentation
9:00 Registration and breakfast
9:45 Welcome
10:15 Creative packets for Network Operators Henrik Kramshøj (Solido)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 RPKI Alexander Band (RIPE NCC) PDF
12:00 Censorship-free DNS Thomas Steen Rasmussen
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Guarding your network against the lack of IPv6 deployment Marco Hogewoning (RIPE NCC)
14:30 Short break
14:45 End to End MPLS Julian Lucek (Juniper)
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 Big changes in Responsibilities for Intermediaries Patrik Fältström (Netnod)
Social after the conference at Nørrebro Bryghus.


All information on this page may be updated up till the conference.

Henrik Kramshøj (Solido Networks)

Creative packets for Network Operators

This presentation is about packets and how to produce packets easily for testing networks and network devices. The tools introduce simple tools, such as Nping, Netcat and Nmap which can be used for network reconnaissance and verifying connectivity in networks. After basic introduction the presentation moves to more elaborate generic tools such as Hping family of tools, Nemesis, and introduces modern tools like Loki to show the current state of the art of packet building.

The presentation is rounded off with packet building program examples based on C, Python and Ruby.

The goal of this presentation is to kickstart an interest in building tools for testing networks and devices. Especially tools like STP root guard, MAC ACL, and other low-level stuff can more easily be tested if producing the exact packets needed - and not having to build a bigger and more complex configuration in the lab.

Alexander Band (RIPE NCC)


The Resource Certification (RPKI) system allows Local Internet Registries (LIRs) to request a digital certificate listing the Internet number resources they hold. It offers validatable proof of holdership of a resource’s registration by a Regional Internet Registry (RIR). The practical application offered today is the ability to use resource certificates to help secure Internet routing, particularly BGP origin validation.

Marco Hogewoning (RIPE NCC)

Guarding your network against the lack of IPv6 deployment

With the IPv4 run out rapidly approaching and full and global IPv6 deployment most likely still years away the Internet will enter a twilight zone where IPv6 might be the norm, but a large part of the communication still takes place using IP version 4. What would be the effects to your network when people deploy address sharing techniques or transitioning methods such as tunneling or protocol translation? What are the effects of IPv4 addresses becoming more of an asset to your business case? This talk will provide an overview of what is happening and highlight some of the challenges you sooner or later will be confronted with. Leaving room at the end to discuss these threads and possible solutions amongst your fellow network operators.

Thomas Steen Rasmussen

Censorship-free DNS

Since 2005 the Danish internet providers DNS servers has been censoring various domains, primarily domains that are believed to contain materials depicting sexual abuse of children. While protecting children is an admirable goal, DNS blocking is not the right solution to the problem.

Since 2009 has offered free uncensored recursive name servers for everyone who wants to use them, as an alternative to the ISP name servers. DNS censorship is a pointless waste of time and resources, and I believe the time has come for the Danish providers to step out of the blocking agreement with the police, and stop blocking the domains.

This talk will go over the reasons why DNS censoring domains that depict child abuse is actually harmful rather than helpful, and hopefully the talk will enable and encourage each of the attendees to go back to their employers and make the case that we need to stop the DNS blocking madness.

Thomas Steen Rasmussen aka Tykling is a FreeBSD administrator and enthusiast. He works at the Danish internet and hosting provider Siminn where he manages a bunch of FreeBSD servers.

When he is not working Thomas is busy with the free DNS service which he founded in 2009. Thomas is also the chairman of the Danish BSD usergroup BSD-DK and he is active in the IT Political Association of Denmark,

Julian Lucek (Juniper)

End to End MPLS

End to End MPLS is the paradigm of extending MPLS services all the way to the access infrastructure, enabling rich services that are easily managed from an operator perspective.

Patrik Fältström - Head of Research and Development (Netnod)

Big changes in Responsibilities for Intermediaries

When moving information sharing to the Internet, many changes are happening. This is not only limited to globalization and ease of replication of data, but also the need for modern tools law enforcement agencies use. We see changes and interests in even larger changes in the online world, and the question is whether these changes are proportionate or not? Specifically, transport of information have historically been protected by legislation in such a way that the carrier is even prohibited in tampering with it. On the other hand on the Internet, discussions are ongoing whether intermediaries do have responsibilities to act and if so, under what circumstances. Patrik will summarize where he believe we are at the moment (give a snapshot in time) and also explain why it is important parties do participate in the discussion that is shaping our future.